FLO获奖丨阿里巴巴江苏总部暨产业社区荣获2024 MUSE设计概念金奖
发布日期:2024-10FLO景观设计事务所作品「阿里巴巴江苏总部暨产业社区」荣获2024年缪斯设计奖概念金奖。美国缪斯设计奖(MUSE)由国际奖项协会(International Awards Associate,IAA)主办,旨在表彰全球范围内杰出的设计作品。
Alibaba Jiangsu Headquarter Campus designed by FLO has won Concept Gold Award at Muse Design Award 2024. MUSE Design Award is organized by the International Awards Associate (IAA) to recognize outstanding design work worldwide. The jury panel consists of design experts and industry leaders from around the world, with strict selection criteria. Entries must display excellence in creativity and design quality.