FLO获奖丨合肥华润万象城屋面改造荣获2024 Archello Finalist
发布日期:2024-12FLO景观设计事务所作品「合肥华润万象城屋面改造」荣获评审一致肯定,有幸从众多参赛作品中脱颖而出。今年的Archello Awards共收到全球超过 1,000 件建筑、景观及产品设计等作品的申报;在“年度公共空间”的角逐中,「合肥华润万象城屋面改造」与不同地区的杰出项目同台竞技,最终摘得年度公共空间类别的「Finalist」。
The project Hefei CR Land MixC Rooftop Renovation by FLO has received unanimous recognition from the jury, standing out among numerous submissions.Archello Awards 2024 attracted over 1,000 entries worldwide, spanning architecture, landscape and product design. In the competitive category of Public Space of the Year, Hefei CR Land MixC Rooftop Renovation competed alongside exceptional projects from various regions and was ultimately named a Finalist in this category.