• 一片印象海: 将海洋谱写成诗
    华润成都万象城中心广场改造 CR Land Chengdu MixC Plaza Renovation
    • 项目类型
      商业改造 / 城市更新
    • 项目尺度
    • 委托方
    • 景观设计
    • 建筑设计
      Zaha Hadid Architects
    • Sector
      Commercial Retail / Urban Renewal
    • Size
      4.7 Ha
    • Client
      CR Land
    • LA Architect
    • Architect
      Zaha Hadid Architects

    区别于一般商业空间,成都万象城核心是一个巨大的复合型城市商业广场,复杂多样的功能与活动形成了相互重叠的关系。本项目的改造区域为一个巨大的4.2万平米核心广场,设计概念源于Zaha Hadid事务所所提出的「印象派」而衍生出属于景观广场的「万象海」。我们基于印象派光影色彩的瞬刻与永恒,植入充满变化且一幕一景的海浪元素,打造专属于成都万象城的「万象海」。景观设计以水入题,既转译了先锋潮流的成都印象,也打造了一湾专属于成都万象城的记忆点特征。

    Unlike most typical shopping malls, Chengdu MixC Shopping Complex has a huge plaza that can be used for a diversity of multi-layered programmes and events. The renovation of this project is the 42,000sqm central plaza, and the origin of the design is based on Zaha Hadid's concept of "Impressionist Chengdu". The city of Chengdu is known for its trendiness, which also translates to tides in Chinese. Abstraction of "The Sea" becomes the unifying concept. Our interpretation focuses on light, color and moments captured in time to reflect the characteristics of Impressionist Art. Movements of curvilinear waves are frozen in time and transformed into experiences within the space. The design simulates the timeless flow of the ocean, and the motion of the waves is materialized into site-specific morphological identities.

    一片印象海: 将海洋谱写成诗
    华润成都万象城中心广场改造 CR Land Chengdu MixC Plaza Renovation
    • 项目类型
      商业改造 / 城市更新
    • 项目尺度
    • 委托方
    • 景观设计
    • 建筑设计
      Zaha Hadid Architects
    • Sector
      Commercial Retail / Urban Renewal
    • Size
      4.7 Ha
    • Client
      CR Land
    • LA Architect
    • Architect
      Zaha Hadid Architects

    区别于一般商业空间,成都万象城核心是一个巨大的复合型城市商业广场,复杂多样的功能与活动形成了相互重叠的关系。本项目的改造区域为一个巨大的4.2万平米核心广场,设计概念源于Zaha Hadid事务所所提出的「印象派」而衍生出属于景观广场的「万象海」。我们基于印象派光影色彩的瞬刻与永恒,植入充满变化且一幕一景的海浪元素,打造专属于成都万象城的「万象海」。景观设计以水入题,既转译了先锋潮流的成都印象,也打造了一湾专属于成都万象城的记忆点特征。

    Unlike most typical shopping malls, Chengdu MixC Shopping Complex has a huge plaza that can be used for a diversity of multi-layered programmes and events. The renovation of this project is the 42,000sqm central plaza, and the origin of the design is based on Zaha Hadid's concept of "Impressionist Chengdu". The city of Chengdu is known for its trendiness, which also translates to tides in Chinese. Abstraction of "The Sea" becomes the unifying concept. Our interpretation focuses on light, color and moments captured in time to reflect the characteristics of Impressionist Art. Movements of curvilinear waves are frozen in time and transformed into experiences within the space. The design simulates the timeless flow of the ocean, and the motion of the waves is materialized into site-specific morphological identities.